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Work, Happier

The average professional does not feel valued in or fulfilled by their current role or careers. Work is quickly becoming a place of stress, discomfort, and dread, and many of us lack the resources to change our circumstances. What if we had the tools to alter how we think about our work? It is time to move beyond the stress, guilt, and frustrations of our jobs to maximize the life affirming moments that tie our work to our self-worth

It's Time to Move Beyond Work-Life Balance

While the work-life balance model can be helpful for individuals trying to balance their work and personal life, the work-life model assumes that work and personal life can be easily separated. We all know, however, that in reality the boundaries between the two can be blurry, especially with the rise of remote work. 


The work-life balance model assumes that all work is the same and that it can be equally demanding for everyone. However, the reality is that some jobs require more time and energy than others, and some individuals may have more control over their work schedules than others.


For many individuals, striving for work-life balance can create additional stress or guilt, especially if they feel like they are not able to meet their personal or professional responsibilities. This can lead to burnout or other mental health issues.

break free.....

✨ While work-life balance emphasizes dividing time equally and work-life integration encourages blending the two, worth ethic promotes living authentically and prioritizing self-care. It’s about aligning our actions with our values, rather than merely trying to juggle responsibilities.

✨ Worth ethic differs from work-life integration in that it shifts the focus from managing time between work and personal life to recognizing and affirming our intrinsic value in all aspects of life. 

It's Time to Move Beyond Work-Life Integration

The work-life integration model offers a holistic approach for individuals seeking balance by giving equal attention to valued activities across work and personal life. However, in practice, the boundaries between the two often blur—especially with the rise of remote work.


By emphasizing hyperconnectivity and blending work into our personal lives, the work-life integration model can inadvertently create a reality where individuals feel like they are always working.


Overwork continues to be one of the leading causes of mental health stress in the workforce. Instead of working smarter—or finding joy in our efforts—we are working longer, harder, and at greater cost to our well-being.

break free.....


I created a life for myself where my work, personal passions, and self worth complement and enrich each other and

thrive holistically.

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Worth Ethic Affirmation

I am a human being, not a human doing.

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